Frequently Asked Questions 

1) How do we apply for admission?

A: If your son or daughter is due to start Year 7 in September 2022, you apply via the local authority admissions service. The application deadline is 31st October 2021. You can access the local authority admissions via this link:  Apply for a secondary school place | Central Bedfordshire Council 

There will be 180 places available in September 2022 for years 7, 8, 9 and 10. 

If your son or daughter is due to start Year 8, 9 or 10 in September 2022, you are now able to apply for a place through Central Bedfordshire Council. Please click here to apply.

2) Who will the Principal be? 

We are really exciting to announce our Principal Designate is Ms Elizabeth English. Please click here for more information.

3) What will my child study at Houstone? 

We will have an academic-focussed curriculum that gives plenty of time to the basics of English, maths and science. All pupils will also study at least one language, history, geography, RE, PE, music, art and computing. In addition to this, during our extended school day we will have ‘electives’ – extra-curricular activities that all pupils will participate in. 

We intend to supplement this curriculum with other subjects but this will be subject to the appointment of the Principal and key teaching staff.  

4) Are all aspects of the school day compulsory, including Prep? 

Yes, all aspects are compulsory except for additional sporting fixtures (which are strongly encouraged), and breakfast and homework clubs, which will be optional for pupils who regularly complete homework on time. Prep, morning meetings and reading time are all compulsory.  

With regard to fixtures, we expect parents to support pupils representing the school.  

5) Will there be a uniform and if so, what will it be and who will supply it? 

Yes, there will be a formal school uniform and school PE kit. We are discussing this with suppliers now, and will announce it in the summer term as soon as we are able to.  Parents/ carers will be responsible for ensuring their children have the correct uniform. 

6) My child has an EHCP. I want them to attend Houstone School. What do I do? 

You should contact Central Bedfordshire’s SEND team – telephone 0300 300 8356 or email [email protected]  

7) I am interested in serving on the Local Governing Body. How can I do this? 

Sign up for updates and register your interest at [email protected]  

8) What happens if the building is delayed? 

The local authority are responsible for the building and ensuring that it is completed on schedule. We hope that it won’t be delayed, but are talking to the local authority about alternative plans if something unexpected happens. If there is a problem, we will work with the local authority to find an alternative temporary site.

 If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please email us at [email protected]