Work has now begun on site!

Work has now begun on site!

On the 14th July 2021 representatives of the trust attended a visit to the new school site to see early progress on the build.

Work to date has mainly consisted of site clearance in preparation for construction to commence, as can be seen in the images below.  Whilst it is still very early days in the project, it is clear that good early progress is being made. The determination from all those present to make this a school to be proud of is already very evident.



Chief Operating Officer of Advantage Schools, Simon Campbell, said “Visiting the site for the first time since work has commenced was very exciting.  There is a real opportunity here to create a fantastic school for the local community.  The school has the potential to make a real difference and it was great to see everyone working together to bring this project to a successful conclusion.  We look forward to continuing to work with the contractors and the local authority over the coming months to ensure that the school is fit for purpose and a fantastic place for local children to learn and grow as individuals.”

The Trust next plan to be on site in September when it is hoped that some of the steel work will have been erected.  A further update will be provided at that time.